ISAAC Opportunities

Jr. High Ministry Intern – First Chinese Baptist Church, Los Angeles

Posted by sedwardyang on September 3, 2009

Leadership Position Description

Position Title: Jr. High Ministry Youth Intern

Principle Function

The Jr. High Ministry Intern position focuses on training and preparation with work in early adolescent youth in a church environment, and to assist Youth Ministry in ministering to Jr. High youth.


  1. Definite calling into full-time ministry.
  2. Adhere to Southern Baptist faith and message.
  3. Must have completed first full year in seminary.
  4. Minister and work minimum of 20 hours per week.
  5. Have some experience/understanding of youth/Asian culture.
  6. Internship is a minimum of 1 year and maximum of 2 years.
  7. Work with English-speaking youth, grades 7th-9th.

Specific List of Responsibilities

  1. Assist Minister of Youth in Jr. High Ministry.
  2. Preach in the Youth Service or directly to Jr. High youth.
  3. Attend Youth Ministry Team meetings.
  4. Be prepared to serve in any capacity directed by the Minister of Youth.
  5. Assist in Jr. High Sunday School department
  6. Assist in Jr. High CTP (training)
  7. Assist in RA’s/Acteens (fellowships)
  8. Assist in Jr. High Camp
  9. Attend Youth Service
  10. Attend Children and Youth Prayer Meetings.

Additional Information

  1. First Chinese Baptist Church is primarily ethnic Chinese in Los Angeles Chinatown with multi-generations, and with three languages:  Cantonese, English, and Mandarin.
  2. Compensation is either paid tuition, books, and fees up to $12,000.00 or $1000.00 per month stipend.

If interested, please contact John Ng, 213-687-0814 or email him at this link.

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